New Year, New Goals, New Clarity

We are already into the second month of the new year. It’s been said that time waits for no one. so, it's time to get clear. If there’s one thing that keeps people stuck, it’s a lack of clarity. You know you want to quit your exhausting and draining day job in favor of the freedom of self-employment, but you aren’t clear on the steps to take. You want to take an exotic vacation, but you aren’t sure where to go—or how to make it happen. You want to grow your business, but aren’t even sure what that means. The...

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Ideas, Ideas, Ideas


I saw a couple of posts on social media about some people who created businesses based on their great ideas. One of the ideas was very familiar to me. A past client of mines told me that they had that same idea many years ago. However, the business was created and started by someone else. I totally believe my past client was capable of making this idea come to fruition. What she didn't realize was that by thinking and talking about her idea, she was creating a cause for an effect to show up whether it be by her or...

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Get in Alignment!

How are you feeling? What are you thinking about yourself? What are you saying about yourself? These are important questions to ask yourself if you plan on being the success you aspire to be. How you are feeling about what you do on a daily basis may be the very reason why you are not succeeding. You have the potential within to control how you feel. Sure the reality of things going on in your life may cause you to feel bad; however, you totally have the power to decide how much and how long you will let something effect...

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Self-Care Really Improves Your Goal Achievement Efforts

It’s inevitable…at some point in the pursuit of your passions, goals and dreams, you’re going to get tired, frustrated and completely overwhelmed. And in some cases, you will want to give up. This is your moment of truth. Will you do as so many others do, and quit before you reach the finish line? Or…will you see it through to the end and bring your dreams to life? The desire to quit is perfectly natural. History is filled with tales of people in exactly this predicament. After all, humans have only so much energy available at any given moment. However,...

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Your Words Have Power!

I had a conversation with my son recently. He said that it sounds weird when you ask someone how they are you doing and they say "I'm doing phenomenal!" I said what if they say, "I'm doing so so, or I'm doing okay, or I'm not doing so well today?" He said that sounded more normal than I'm doing phenomenal or spectacular! There is something wrong when speaking in a more subdued way is normal and speaking in a positive, upbeat way is considered weird. We went back and forth with this conversation. He said "its just sounds too perky!" I said "What's wrong with perky!? Why...

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Don’t Let “Reasons” Hold You Back

During a conversation with a friend, she mentioned the same goals and dreams that she told me about 10 years ago. Actually, that type of conversation is not unusual for me. I seem to have become someone who is a magnet for pulling out the dreams and goals of others. This is a good thing! When I ask people a question like, "What would you love to do full-time?,” "What is your dream job?" or "What type of work would make you happy?,” most of the time the answer is not "I want to  work full-time doing something I don't enjoy,...

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Succeed in spite of Struggle

Struggle is something we all face in life at one time or another. You can't get away from it. You may have heard the saying "Life's a struggle." It's not such a great thing to go around saying or having that linger in your subconscious mind.  It's important to know the reason why we struggle and encounter obstacles and what to do about it. We struggle for several reasons: To show you how strong you  are; To help you get over your fears; to teach you something new; to test your character and to help you be an example to others. ...

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