Everything you’ve ever done or said first started with a thought. It’s easy to see when you look at your material possessions. You thought about them, you wanted them, and you got them. Same with relationships. You meet someone, you think, “I want to spend more time with this person,” and you do.
However, we rarely consider the thoughts that led to some of our more not so great moments. Every time you quietly diminished yourself, or told yourself you weren’t good enough, your thoughts shaped your actions, which in turn shaped your life in ways that you are dissatisfied with today.
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful tools, and you can choose what you think just as easily as you can choose what you eat for dinner tonight.
Here are 3 simple strategies you can use to take control of your thoughts today.
Pay Attention to What You are Thinking.
Take a moment right now to close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you do, notice how many thoughts just naturally bubble up. Song lyrics, opinions, memories, worries, things you need to do, a conversation you had with someone…your mind is a constantly streaming thought machine. Notice what thoughts you think, and ask yourself, “Are these the thoughts I really want?”
Improve What You are Putting into Your Mind.
Every day you influence your thoughts by the books you read, the shows you watch, what you look at on the internet, and the conversations you have. If your input is supportive, your thoughts will be as well. However, if your input is full of drama, gossip, noise, and negativity, your thoughts will be too. As they say in programming, “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”
Practice Gratitude.
You can drown out the noise of your worried, anxious mind by focusing on what’s working in your life. Gratitude is the key. Even if you don’t know what master plan you want to plant in your brain, start with gratitude and the rest will reveal itself.
Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, and your actions, added up, become the course of your life. To improve your thoughts in a safe community, join my Facebook group here. We work on improving our thoughts and using words that bring the life we want to live now. I look forward to welcoming you.